Stefania Franja

I looked up back at Edie, she was no longer the centre of my universe. Now, there were two centres.

Water Home Birth Melbourne

Dear Val,

I am trying to write this as you are strapped to my chest in the ergo carrier, snoring peacefully. 

We had prepared Edie for your birth for quite some time, but I don't be;eive i was fully prepared for how much this experience would mean to me, and how much I would want to relive it over and over and over. 

The day before you came was a Sunday, which means I had a full day with Edie as Papa works a double shift on sundays. It was a big day, I was very very large and uncomfortable. And it was hot!! We went to a birthday party (Caleope's 5th birthday), around the corner from our place. Me and Edie rode over there on the mountain bike, and while there, I mainly sat around like a whale. It was hard. I chatted to some lovely friends and got to hear their birth story. 

We had our friend Lawrence visiting for the weekend (purposefully booked around the expected date of your birth so he could be here for it), and him and I decided to go to papa's restaurant for dinner w Edie as I was simply too exhausted to cook. 

We had a very early dinner and went home. We put Edie to bed around 7:30, and I passed out with her for a good hour or so. 

Then I got up, as it was Lawrence's last night in Melbourne and I wanted to spend some time with him. We sat up, chatting for a couple of hours before papa finally finished his shift and came home. We stayed up till midnight! Lawrence was due to fly back to Tassie at 6am the next morning. I remember saying "guys it's almost midnight - lets go to bed". and then hugging Lawrence and saying "I'm so sorry it didn't happen for us". Then we all went to bed. 

Papa of course was asleep in seconds, Edie was asleep in bed with us, and around 12:25 am (so, like twenty min after we all went to bed!), I got my first contraction. And then another, and another! I started timing them, and realised what was happening -- I WAS IN LABOUR!! -- So I breathed through them quietly in bed with Edie and papa while they slept. At one point, around 2:30am, papa woke to find me in a funny position trying to breathe through a contraction and he asked me if I was ok and I said yes, but I couldn't lie and I said the baby might be coming, but go back to sleep. And papa was like SLEEP??? HOW CAN YOU TELL ME THAT AND EXPECT ME TO BE ABLE TO GO TO SLEEP?!!! So he stayed up and took over timing the contractions which was lovely as it meant I could try and nap in the ten minutes between each of them. 

Then around 4:30am, the contractions got stronger and quicker -- every 4 min. I asked papa to please call auntie kelly. She got there fifteen min later, and the moment I saw her I cried big joyful tears to see her. Shortly after, Edie woke and was curious about what was happening. We all went upstairs as the labour progressed. Lawrence didn't believe papa when papa told him the baby was coming!! 

Papa and Lawrence started filling the pool; it was taking a long time as papa didn;t test the fittings very well, so poor Lawrence had to muscle the hose on there for a good 40 min! Papa had to be by me every few minutes for every contraction - him and auntie kelly took turns, and everyone helped out as much as they could - especially your sister!! She was an amazing midwife! She cuddled me, put cold compresses on my head, and poured water down my back when I was in the pool. At around 6am, I finally got into the pool, and things get a little hazy in there.. I know there was a bit of pain, and then at one point, Aunty Kelly asked me if I wanted help taking my undies off. I was confused - why? I wondered. I had no idea at this stage that you would be out in about 5 minutes!

Then some pretty big pains came. I held onto Lawrences hand, and papa's hand, and papa held onto Edie and everyone was there, with us, trying to help us breathe and get through the pain. At some point, I remember someone saying to Edie that there was some black hair (yours!!!!!) coming out of my vagina, if she wanted to see --- and she did! And then I pushed really hard and your head came out. But Edie got upset as papa accidenta;ly wet her t-shirt so he had to run off and get her another t-shirt real quick while your body was still inside me. Thankfully he was back in time as I did another big scream, which scared Edie just a little but she was too curious to look away. And that was it! Out you came! You came out into the water, and then Kelly (or papa?) gently lifted you out - you had thee umbilical cord wrapped around your neck a couple of times but aunti kelly untangled it as you were being placed on my chest, and the moment you were on my chest, and I looked up back at eide, she was no longer the centre of my universe. Now, there were two centres. 

You were on my chest for a few moments, before I remembered the promise we made to Edie, which was that SHE would be the one to tell us if you were going to be a brother or sister. So, I asked her if she wanted to check, as we still didn;t know. She did want to check, and papa put her in the pool with us and I looked away and she looked and shouted "Vagina!" and I couldn't believe my ears and my luck!! we had another DAUGHTER!!! A SISTER FOR EDIE!! oh my god my world was complete!

The rest of the morning was precious; we shifted to the couch, I birthed my placenta into a bowl by the couch and then just went back to cuddling you. We hung out, ate food, talked and the midwives (the second midwife got there after you were born haha!) tidied up and chatted and did all the paperwork. At some point, everyone left, including papa and edie and you and i went downstairs for a cuddle and nap in our big bed. 

It was the best day of my life. 

You are so loved, Val. 

Did I mention the doggos were there!! Bruce the whole time, and Mukwa decided to make an appearance just before I did the two big pushes to get you out!

Birth story by Stefania Franja.


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