MAMA Professional Education

Workshops for Midwives, Perinatal Care Providers, Birth Workers, Obstetricians and Students.

Most of our workshops are appropriate for anyone working with pregnant & birthing families. We will specify if workshops are specifically for midwives or other health professionals. 
In-person bookings are limited as we prefer to keep these workshops intimate.

Breech Without Borders

Breech Without Borders is an amazing nonprofit organisation dedicated to breech training, education, and advocacy. Join Dr Hayes, who is a long time breech birth provider & currently the Medical Director of Breech Without Borders for a full day of invaluable learning.

The training combines virtual lectures with a full day of hands-on simulation training. The breech training package includes:

  1. A full day with Dr. David Hayes, including hands-on simulation training with a Sophie and Her Mum simulator, breech birth video analysis, and clinical scenarios.

  2. Breech Pro 2.0: a self-paced vaginal breech training workshop with CEUs, accessible for 1 year. Access to Breech Pro 2.0 is included with workshop enrollment. 

  3. One year of twice-monthly optional live sessions (recordings also provided)

Date: Sunday February 23rd 2025

ime: 8am – 6pm

Location: MAMA Kensington

$$745 for MDs
$635 for midwives, nurses, and other childbirth professionals
$445 for students

GynZone Perineal Suturing

Join us for a day of rich learning & increase your confidence and hands on skills with

  • perineal laceration classification

  • providing sufficient pain relief

  • appropriate suturing materials

  • continuous stitching

  • suturing labial lacerations

  • suturing vaginal mucosa

  • aligning tissues & muscles correctly

  • building a checklist

  • evaluating healing

  • lots of hands on practice & you keep the materials to continue practicing!

Date: March 28th 2025

Time: 9am – 4pm

Location: MAMA Kensington

Investment: $1350 - includes access to online learning component, lunch on the day and perineal model & suturing material to go home with to continue your practice

Spinning Babies

Learn to facilitate comfort in pregnancy and ease in childbirth for your clients, improve fetal position without manipulation of the fetus and much, much more with Fiona Hallinan

Fiona has been a midwife for 30 years. She is also a registered nurse and maternal & child health nurse, a birth educator and bodyworker. She is the founder of The Pelvic Space where women can go to find answers in their bodies.

Date: August 9th 2024

Time: 8:30am – 5:00pm

Location: MAMA Kensington

Investment: $300

Newborn Cardiac & Respiratory Assessment Workshop

Come join us in learning all about the examination of the newborn. We have a consultant paediatrician, Dr Stock, facilitating this workshop to teach us tools and tricks to identify the well and unwell newborn. We will cover thorough newborn examination and how to detect common abnormalities with a focus on the cardiac & respiratory systems.

Dr Stock is a consultant paediatrician in the Emergency Department at the Royal Children’s Hospital.

Date: Tuesday September 3rd 2024

Time: 9:30am – 12:00pm

Location: MAMA Kensington

Investment: $65

Newborn Assesment

Breech & Twin Home Birth Masterclass with Dr Stuart Fischbein

Come join us for an intimate evening of discussing the data surrounding the lost art of breech birth and the beauty of twin home birth with Dr. Stuart Fischbein from Birthing Instincts.

Dr. Fischbein has been assisting families with birthing for over 40 years. He trained in an era where breech was considered just a variation of normal. Stu has the goals of improving collaboration amongst the differing professions in the birthing world and the re-teaching of the core skills, such as breech and twin vaginal birth.

Date: September 15th 2024

Time: 3:30pm – 5:30pm

Location: MAMA Kensington

Investment: $65

Fetal Monitoring Masterclass with Dr Kirsten Small

Come join us for a full day of discussing the types of fetal monitoring often used, the research and evidence (or lack of it!) for the use of various types such as continuous CTG, the physiology of fetal heart rate patterns, and the current evidence-practice gap.

Dr Small is a retired specialist obstetrician and gynaecologist, who works as an esteemed educator, writer (including the amazing Birth Small Talk blog), and researcher.

Date: June 15th 2024

Time: 8:30am – 4:30pm

Location: MAMA Kensington

Investment: $190 (lunch included)

Midwifery Prescribing CPD Course 2024

2024 Prescribing – live online series

Click on this link or the Book Here button below and then click on ‘add to cart’.

  • When you purchase the course before the final live session, you will receive an email with the Zoom link to join the next live session & have access to recordings of past presentations in the series that you missed live.

  • If you have purchased the series after the live event, you will have immediate access to the recordings of past presentations.

  • If you have any issues booking in, please email

In our 2024 series we will be hearing from experts on what’s new in the prescribing world, postnatal contraception, drugs of addiction, thyroid and hormonal changes & inducing lactations.

The series is planned to run over 5 consecutive Wednesday evenings commencing on the 1st of May, from 7:00pm-8:30pm AEST.

Here is the current lineup for 2024:

Wed 1st May – Dr Rodney Whyte on What’s New in Prescribing

Wed 8th May – Dr Sara Whitburn on Postnatal Contraception

Wed 15th May – Dr Kirsten Small on Drugs of Addiction

Wed 22nd May – Dr Sonia Davison on Thyroid & Postnatal Changes

Wed 29th May – Dr Nicole Gale on Inducing Lactation

This final session is available for purchase as a stand alone module for any lactation consultants hoping to complete 1.5hours of CPD for the IBCLC registration.

This 5 part series is an interactive online education opportunity for anyone prescribing in the perinatal period. Sessions will be recorded and you will have access to the recordings, additional reading, quizzes and certificates in an online learning portal for a total of 10 CPD hours.

Investment: $130

When you have purchased the series you will have immediate access to any past presentations and you will receive a separate email with a link to upcoming zoom sessions.

You will find CPD courses for 2022 & 2023 on the MAMA Courses dashboard if you are interested in previous events.

Midwifery CPD Course

Aromatherapy Applications for Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond

A workshop for Midwives and Birth Professionals

More women are seeking out complementary therapies to treat discomforts and enhance wellbeing during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. Aromatherapy is one effective option that can be safe and easy to use. However, there is often concern about the use of essential oils during pregnancy with a wide range of conflicting and confusing advice. Whilst not expected to be an expert, it is beneficial for midwives and practitioners caring for these women to be aware of what these therapies offer and where to look for professional advice and information.

This workshop will cover:

  • The basics of aromatherapy and essential oil use

  • Safety aspects of essential oil use during pregnancy, birth and postpartum as well for babies

  • Benefits & practical application of aromatherapy from pregnancy to postpartum

  • Review of relevant research, case studies and Sonya’s own experience in her practice

May 1st 6pm – 8pm
August 17th 4pm – 6pm

MAMA Kensington

Investment: (click the appropriate link to book in)
$77 for professionals
$55 for students

Educator: Sonya Edmonds

Sonya is a qualified Clinical Aromatherapist and Massage therapist/Practitioner of pregnancy massage, nurse and midwife, Certified Infant Massage Instructor and a mum. Sonya is passionate about the natural healing properties of essential oils and has over 20 years’ experience in using aromatherapy to promote health and wellbeing, on a physical as well an emotional level. Based on her experience and particular interest in women and children Sonya set up her company Mother Nurture Aromatherapy and Massage to cater for mothers, mothers to be and their families. Sonya practises at two locations in Melbourne, including MAMA, and is a full professional member of IAAMA (International Aromatherapy and Aromatic Medicine Association).

Aromatherapy for Pregnancy and Birth

Acupuncture Points in Birth

A workshop for Midwives and Reproductive Health Workers

Acupuncture for midwifery is a practical evidence based way to utilise acupuncture points in the care of birthing people. Some of the points that we use have an ancient history to them but haven’t been researched and others have an enormous amount of research behind them. I will help you to discern which are the most well researched and practical ones to use for your practise. This will be for birth, pregnancy and postpartum as well as breast and chest feeding.

We will have some time to practise how to use the points on the body and easy quick ways to find them. This is an amazing tool for you to add to your repertoire for care. It is cheap too! All you need are your hands.

This workshop will be useful to anyone working with birthing people and breast/chest feeding. But it has been written with midwives and lactation consultants in mind.

Dr Millicent Matthew is a qualified and registered acupuncturist, birth
educator and tuina practitioner who works primarily in reproductive health.

Tuesday, 11th June, 10am-12pm, in person at MAMA Kensington - Please book in here!
Tuesday, 18th June, 10am-12pm, online via Zoom - Please book in here!

Investment: $80 ($75 for concession card holders, please call reception)

Please send any questions by emailing Millicent

Online workshop recording:

Would you like to attend this workshop but cannot find a suitable time? We have you covered. You can purchase the workshop and watch it at your own leisure, receiving a certificate towards your annual CPD.

LGBTQIA + Inclusivity Workshop

A workshop for Midwives and Reproductive Health Workers

Millicent is a TCM practitioner who has worked in the birthing space for many years, and has close connections to the LGBTQIA community. This LGBTQIA+ inclusivity workshop is designed to provide information for healthcare professionals and their associated businesses, especially those in reproductive health.

Included is research related to this community, appropriate language and discussions about how to approach potential barriers to effective communication and inclusion. 

We will explore ways to be inclusive so you are able to find the language for everyone. How to write forms and emails or  ask medically necessary questions in an inclusive manner. In this workshop I am able to answer all your questions so that your patients and clients don’t have to. 
I look forward to seeing you in person or online! 

Tuesday, 2nd July, 10am-12pm, in person at MAMA Kensington - Please book in here!
Tuesday, 9th July, 10am-12pm, online via Zoom - Please book in here!

Investment: $80

Please contact with any queries or expressions of interest for dates

LGBTQIA and Inclusivity Workshop

Rheaspiration with Rhea Dempsey

This three hour event is for midwives, students & birth workers; particularly those who work with women in the caseload/on-call life. We know this work can at times empty your cup as much as it fills it. This workshop aims to nourish your soul and fill your cup with some ‘Rheaspiration’.

2024 dates not yet set – please express your interest by emailing

rhea dempsey birth with confidence

Student Workshops

A few of our favourite topics - Using Water in Labour & Birth, Homebirth, Supporting Physiological Labour in the Maternity Care System, Advanced Breastfeeding Support & Pathways to Private Practice

Student workshops can be booked for groups in advance. Please email with the name of the workshop(s) that you would like to organise, some proposed dates and the venue (Hampton- max 8, Kensington- max 20 or your *University/other venue provided by you). 

Travel fees, parking fees for the educator and venue fees will be applicable if we attend a venue other than MAMA

2 hour workshop - $350

2.5 hour workshop - $400

3 hour workshop - $450

*All Day workshop (choose two topics) - $650

All-day workshops may not be able to be booked at the MAMA clinics due to limited availability of workshop space